
Privacy Policy

1. Purpose

We at VOLCANO are committed to protecting the privacy and security of individuals’ personal data. The purpose of this privacy policy is therefore to ensure transparency, legitimacy and legality in our processing of personal information.

In compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), we have implemented the policies and procedures outlined in the following to safeguard the personal information we process.

2. Principles

VOLCANO’s analyses always follow a legitimate and worthy purpose, and we only process the information about you that is necessary in relation to the purpose of the analysis.  If you e.g. participate in one of our questionnaire surveys, we always seek to minimize the data we collect by only asking the questions and processing the information that is specifically relevant to the analysis. 

We generally do two types of analyses that involve the processing of personal data: 1) direct citizen involvement and 2) indirect citizen involvement.

The analyses with direct citizen involvement take place through questionnaire surveys. Participation in these is always voluntary and takes place on the basis of consent. We therefore always tell you the purpose of the survey, and do not collect and process information about you if you do not wish to participate. In addition, you decide for yourself how much and what type of information you want to provide. 

In the projects with indirect citizen involvement, we look at the digital conversations that take place on social media about urban life. In these projects, the basis of the processing is legitimate interests in accordance with GDPR article 6e. When results are published, they are always anonymised, meaning they cannot be traced back to you. 

You always have the option of freely withdrawing your consent if you regret your participation in one of our analyses. If you want this or want to get more information about an analysis, please contact our data protection officer (see section 3).

In some analyses, VOLCANO processes personal data on behalf of public authorities, interest organizations or companies, and in these cases we are the data processor. You can read more about what this means in section 8.

3. Data Protection Officer

If you have any questions about VOLCANO’s processing of personal data or if you need advice on how to use your rights, you can contact our data protection officer (DPO):

Anders Brogaard
Email: anders@volcano.nu

4. What types of data do we collect and how do we use it?

VOLCANO processes personal data so that we can carry out analyses of urban populations relations to their city. In connection with our surveys, we always provide information on which categories of information we process. All analyses are different and we therefore collect different types of data depending on the purpose of an analysis. It is therefore not possible to provide a complete list here. However, you will always be informed about the type of information we collect in the survey. When we ask about personal data such as age and gender, it is to ensure that we get a representative picture of attitudes. Our company does not transfer personal data to third parties without asking for your consent. 

In some analyses, we collect data using our analysis tool Our Walk app. If you want to read more specifically about the protection of your privacy in connection with this tool, you can read more here.

5. What are your data protection rights?

VOLCANO would like to make sure you are fully aware of all of your data protection rights. 

As a data subject, you are entitled to the following:

  • The right to access
    You have the right to request VOLCANO for copies of your personal data. We may charge you a small fee for this service.
  • The right to rectification
    You have the right to request that VOLCANO correct any information you believe is inaccurate. You also have the right to request VOLCANO to complete the information you believe is incomplete.
  • The right to erasure
    You have the right to request that VOLCANO erase your personal data, under certain conditions.
  • The right to restrict processing
    You have the right to request that VOLCANO restrict the processing of your personal data, under certain conditions.
  • The right to object to processing
    You have the right to object to VOLCANO’s processing of your personal data, under certain conditions.
  • The right to data portability
    You have the right to request that VOLCANO transfer the data that we have collected to another organization, or directly to you, under certain conditions.
  • Withdrawal of consent
    You can withdraw your consent at any time by contacting the DPO (see section 3). This will restrict any further processing of your data. If you want all your data to be deleted, ask specifically for it (right to erasure).
  • The right to complain to a data authority
    If you believe your data has been processed and collected unlawfully, you have the right to complain to a data authority (read more below, section 6).

6. How do I make a complaint?

You have the right to complain to the Danish Data Protection Authority if you believe we are processing your information illegally or if you believe we are not respecting your rights.

You can read more about your right to appeal on the Danish Data Protection Authority’s website:


7. When will we delete your data?

We are obliged by law to save your personal information for only as long as it is necessary to fulfill the purpose we are saving the information for. Your personal data is erased, when it is no longer necessary regarding the purposes for which they were collected. This is typically up to 1 year.

8. How do we store your data?

We make sure to handle your personal data in a safe and correct way and protecting your data is a high priority to us. We ensure that the personal data you have shared with us is safely stored in an online cloud-solution that is approved for personal data. Furthermore, the access to the online cloud solution is restricted and only approved employees can access your data for analytical purposes.

9. VOLCANO as dataprocessor

In some analysis tasks, it is not VOLCANO that is responsible for the data, but rather VOLCANO is the data processor. This is the case in tasks where we process the information on behalf of a client, whether this is private or public.

In these cases, we work under instructions from the client, and it is therefore the client who determines the length of storage and who is responsible for compliance with your rights – with the necessary assistance from VOLCANO.

When we are dataprocessor, we can obtain personal information from the client, and in these cases it is the client’s obligation to ensure that there is a legal basis for passing on information to us. We never undertake tasks where there is no necessary basis for processing information, or where the processing is illegal or unethical in any other way.

10. Changes to our privacy policy

VOLCANO keeps its privacy policy under regular review and places any updates on this web page. This privacy policy was last updated on April 30th 2024.