
New European Bauhaus

New European Bauhaus, an EU initiative, is supporting development projects in small cities around Europe – with the help of VOLCANO.

The initiative aims to promote the transformation and adaptation of our cities through beautiful, sustainable and inclusive places. The New European Bauhaus launched a competitive call earlier in 2022 for projects led by local public authorities that contribute to the New European Bauhaus core values. High ambitions in sustainability, aesthetics, and inclusivity determined the winning projects.

After a careful screening, 20 public development projects have been selected to receive up to 75 days of professional support and assistance by interdisciplinary experts. As a part of this technical assistance programme, VOLCANO is providing support for six municipalities throughout Europe. Each of the projects fall under one or more of the following action areas: Renovation, Preservation, Adaptation and Regeneration.

VOLCANO is providing these place-based projects with expertise in stakeholder and citizen engagement, marketing, and concept development. Other organisations working alongside VOLCANO to provide technical assistance include Adelphi, ICLEI, and Ramboll. Here is a snapshot of our work so far in Cesis, Latvia, supporting the project ‘RAINIS’.


“RAINIS dreams of being a meeting and working place for the creative community in the heart of the city.With its own ecosystem, people of all ages meet to set the direction for a better and greener future through the prism of art, culture, and action.”

“RAINIS dreams of being a meeting and working place for the creative community in the heart of the city. With its own ecosystem, people of all ages meet to set the direction for a better and greener future through the prism of art, culture, and action.”

VOLCANO and the other supporting experts visited the site in Latvia early December 2022. The one-and-a-half days together included two workshops facilitated by VOLCANO. The workshops centered around implementing The New European Bauhaus’ values and addressed alternative methods to citizen engagement. The visit allowed for a deeper understanding of the project and its stakeholders.


The support to New European Bauhaus Local Initiatives is funded by the EU and implemented in collaboration with Ramboll Management Consulting.






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